Loading Maps - Help Apreciated
Hello everyone!
So about 2 months ago,i start having the folowing problem witch persists till today in my parents house (notice that in my house i dont have this problems and i can play gw w/o troubles of any kind):
when i start GW client i enter the loging thingy and i type my acc name and password correctly, then i pass to the character selection pane. Till here all good, no lags, no problems with loadings or any other stuff you my think of. When i chose my character, if the character is in RA for instance, i will get 100% files complete but the RA outpost map wont load or, if it loads in rare ocasions, i will have ping in this range: 1000 - 15000 ms and 56 - 60 fps (i have vertical sync enabled yes) constantly. However sometimes i dont have this lag and if i try to enter in a RA match 3 things can happen: 1. Or the map will not load in witch case i will have 100% files complete but the map simply wont load; 2. Or the map will load and i will be able to see only my self in the map but i wont move with pings on the order: 1000 - 15000 ms; 3. Or the map will load and i see my self and all my party but my ping is in the range: 1000 - 15000 ms.
I tried to experiment this stuff in pve maps and happens similar stuff.
I can play GW from 8 am till 5 pm (GMT times) without any kind of trouble. After 6 pm the problems start!
I tried to play other MMPORGS after 6 pm GMT and nothing similar to i described happens, i can surf the internet and check e-mails also w/o any kind of trouble.
So my questions are: How can i fix this, in order to play GW after 6 pm GMT? Is this a GW problem? Is it my ISP problem? Is it a problem related to the conection between my ISP server and GW server?
I apreciate any help you can give me and i apologise for mybad english or confusing statement construction. If needed i will try to explain it again...just ask for it.
ty all